Category Archives: Quotations

Redemption Song

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds

Bob Marley (Redemption Song)

An Unexamined Life

The unexamined life is not worth living.
, in Plato, Dialogues, Apology
Greek philosopher in Athens (469 BC – 399 BC)

Is Socrates “right” about his statement made several thousand years ago? Is there relevance to what this “old dead guy”, as my kids would say, states in these “modern” times of the 21st Century?

I wonder. Too many people drive away from their suburban houses in their gas guzzling SUV, cell phone to their ear, talking about nothing. They head to the shopping mall to purchase more items to stuff their already full drawers and closets. Does this give their life meaning?

I wonder. Who am I to question? Have I challenged the assumptions of my life? Do I try to find meaning each day as I move through the world? Or do I sleepwalk through my days and sleep away my nights?

My life is worth living, I would like to think. When I watch my daughter dance, or smile, it is worth living. When I admire the amazing young man my son has grown into, it is worth living.

Yes. I think we must take a look, if only to satisfy our own curiosity.







My Holiday Wish


A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now


— John Lennon, Yoko Onno (1971)


Imagine, if we could.