Tag Archives: racism

Ignorance Rules

My post yesterday about the racism, hatred, and religious prejudice espoused by a sign in front of a Cincinnati hardware store got me thinking about some of the ignorance I’ve seen bantered about recently.

  • This stuff about Senator Obama being a “terrorist” or having “terrorist connections.”  How in the world could such an accomplished man, Harvard graduate, attorney, and Senator in the Congress of the United States get away with such connections?  Think about it.  If you can think.
  • The idea that there is scientific evidence that the world was created only 5000 years ago and that “man walked with the dinosaurs.”  Where’s the proof that this is nothing more than “wishful thinking” at best?  “Wishful thinking???”  There’s thinking in that “idea?”
  • And while we’re on this topic, it’s hard to image that we’re still debating about the teaching of evolution to our children.  I thought that was settled with The Scopes Trial back in 1925.
  • Barack Obama being a Muslim is bantered about by the wingnuts and others.  He has clearly stated his belief in Christianity.  And if he is a Muslim?  What’s the problem?  I always thought the US to be a nation that believed in religious freedom.
  • In health class at the high school my children attend, there is a section on sex education.  Except that a whole bunch of information is left out.  Abstinence is the only thing taught.  Ignorance rules.

It’s no surprise to me that our nation has lost its way.  People listen to this blather and accept it as fact without so much as checking the facts themselves.  I realize I’m showing my own bias here, but it seems to me more folks need to turn off their radios and quit listening to the wingnuts spewing their hatred, anger, and prejudice.  Maybe read a book or talk to their neighbors.

As Earl Pitts, Uhmerikun, and radio personality used to say, “Wake Up Uhmericah!!!”

Cincinnati Prejudice

The image below is a sign found in front of Salem Hardware, 6401 Salem Road in Cincinnati.

No room for prejudice and hatred

No room for prejudice and hatred

Racism, hatred, and religious prejudice are not American values and do not belong in the American democratic process.  Our nation was founded in part by people running from religious prejudice, yet years later many in America fail to recall those core values.

When contacted, Salem Hardware espouses their right to “freedom of speech” in maintaining this sign in the front of their store. If you live in Cincinnati and find yourself offended by what is implied in the display of this sign, consider whether you wish to do business with such a company.  Additionally, exercise your own “freedom of speech” to let others know your opinion of Salem Hardware and their sign.